The Classic Boat Museums “Isle of Innovation WW1 Exhibition - Then and Now” has been highly commended in the Collections Trust Award 2019.
This is a truly fantastic achievement for the museums team of volunteers, and the other Island heritage organisations that participated to help make the project such a success. If you have not seen this exhibition it is still running at the Gallery East Cowes PO32 6EZ
Lisa Hughes of the Collection Trust said
"This year’s Award attracted more entries than ever before. Submissions were judged by a panel from the Collections Trust’s board and the standard was impressively high, so really well done and please pass on our congratulations to all those involved in the project."
Mark McNeill Chairman of the board of Trustees added
"This is an amazing achievement for our team of volunteers who work so hard to put this exhibition together, and this just eight months after completing the Hidden Heroes exhibition. The project involved a considerable amount of training and I am so pleased for everyone involved at the results; they speak for themselves.
I would like to thank all those involved, our team of volunteers, and all the other organisations and their volunteers that contributed to making this exhibition possible, East Cowes Heritage Centre, Studio School East Cowes, Wight Military and Heritage Museum, Hammerhead Crane Trust, Isle of Wight Council Heritage services, and the Isle of Wight Society. One of the main objectives of this project was to work together with other organisations and share knowledge and training, this was certainly achieved and achieve to the highest of standards. All this was all made possible by a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of last year’s WW1 grants program, thank you."
Here is a small selection of what you can expect to see at the exhibition, why not come along and have a look for yourself.